The extermination of the Danube Swabians in Yugoslavia took place
between 1944 and 1948. It was “officially sanctioned genocide, and
was carried out in full view of thousands of horrified witnesses.
Yet, the world knows nothing of this great atrocity which,
proportionate to population, was surely the most sweeping and cruel
extermination of any European ethnic community within living memory.
What’s more, the perpetrators of this heinous crime literally got
away with murder, because the most influential witness to this
monumental crime was the Western media, which helped to cover up the
crime by ignoring it. Thus in effect, they became Tito’s accomplice,
and are not about to uncover a subject they silently helped bury
some 45 years ago.
Now for the first time in North America, you may read an eye witness
account of the tragic demise of the Danube Swabians in a recently
published book entitled In The Claws Of The Red Dragon.
It consists of excerpts from the diary of a Jesuit priest, Father
Wendelin Gruber who shared the fate of his countryman in a number of
partisan death camps, and was himself incarcerated for many years
for trying to let the world know what went on in Tito’s Yugoslavia.
This book was recently translated into English by Canadian writer
and historian Frank Schmidt, who also gives a brief historical
sketch of the Danube Swabians in his foreword. In remembrance of
their martyred kinsmen, and for the edification of their children
and friends, no Danube Swabian family should be without this
important book.
by Frank Schmidt
Copyright: Heimat Publishers
Reprinted with permission of the author